6/2/2010. Biratnagar, Nepal. The core group members comprising of ambassadors from different countries visited Pathari Sub Health Post of Morang, Nepal. H.E. Mr. Scott DeLisi, Ambassador of the United States of America to Nepal, H.E. Mr. Andrew Rotely Hall, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Nepal, H.E.Finn Thilsted, Ambassador of Denmark to Nepal, Mr. Edward Willium Earlston Doe, Counsellor, Canadian Corporation Office, Mr. Richard Ragon, WFP Representative in Neoal and Mr. Stephane Jaquemet inspected Pathari Sub Health Post jointly. The health institution is providing Primary Health Care to its catchments population including Bhutanese refugees. District Public Health Officer Mr. Nawaraj Subba, Incharge of Mangalbare PHC Dr. Bhawesh Thapa and Incharge of Sub Health Post Mr. Murari Acharya did briefing on health care situation in the district.

There is no discrimination being done in health care services to refugees by government health institutions said DPHO Subba.  It was reported that Pathari, Urlabari, Belbari, Indrapur, Dangihat, Rajghat are considered as highly vulnerable villages for TB, HIV and Malaria in Morang district. Now, 926 persons have voluntarily tested and are diagnosed as HIV positive. Likewise, 863 TB patients are now being treated in different health institutions in Morang district. All medicines needed for TB, HIV and Malaria are now available free of cost in the district as per District Public Health Office.

१९ गते जेठ २०६७, बिराटनगर मोरङ ।

भूटानी शरणार्थीहरुलाई समेत प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदान गर्दै आएको पथरी उपस्वास्थ्य चौकीको चार देशका राजदूतहरुले संयुक्त रुपमा निरीक्षण गरे । अमेरिकी राजदूत स्कट डेलिसी, डेनमार्कका राजदूत फिन थिलस्टेड, बेलायतका राजदूत एन्ड्रयू हल, क्यानाडाका राजदूत एर्डवर्ड विलियमले पथरी उपस्वास्थ्य चौकीले प्रदान गरेको सेवाबारे जानकारी लिए । उक्त अवसरमा जिल्ला जनस्वास्थ्य कार्यालय मोरङका प्रमुख नवराज सुब्बा, प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र मंगलबारेका प्रमुख डा. भवेश थापा, उपस्वास्थ्य चौकी इञ्चार्ज मुरारी आचार्यले शरणार्थी स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्थापनमा जिल्ला स्तरमा गरिएका प्रयास र स्थितिबारे जानकारी गराएका थिए ।

हाल मोरङ जिल्लाका पथरी, उर्लाबारी, सुन्दरपुर, बेलबारी, डाँगीहाट, राजघाट गा.वि.स. हरु क्षयरोग, औलो र एच.आई.भी.का लागि जोखिमयुक्त मानिन्छन् । मोरङ जिल्लामा हाल ९२६ जना एच.आई.भी संक्रमित पत्ता लागेको छ । क्षयरोगतर्फ८६३ जना बिरामीको उपचार भइरहेको छ । यी रोगका औषधी निःशुल्क उपलब्ध हुने गरेको जिल्ला जनस्वास्थ्य कार्यालयले जनाएको छ ।

नवराज सुब्बाले गर्नु भएको कुराकानी
गीतसंगीतः मेरा मूल्य र मान्यता

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